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Monday, September 22, 2008

Mission 9 Sneak Peek!

Finally, a peek I'm pumped about. After what felt like months of waiting, CP Mod Billybob posted the first news of the next (and final?!) mission. Will Herbert and dastardly (OK, not really) Klutzy the Crab be caught? I think so. Check out this coolio concept art from the post:

Well, this picture seems to depict, err... a noddy bubble-blowing pink puffle and two sticky penguins? Now, if we could just figure out the bowling pins...

Go see the post for yourself in the Community section of the Club Penguin website.
Best Regards,


AltoBhai said...

Thats ok. I have seen all my widgets go away before. Its no big deal. I handled it then and I can handle it now. Just show it to me once.

AltoBhai said...

Thats ok. I have seen all my widgets go away before. Its no big deal. I handled it then and I can handle it now. Just show it to me once.

Anonymous said...

hi vap i've noticed that your hit's counter has not changed in a long time when I had one from a place like that it stayed on 0000 all the time if it is staying at the same thing try these stat sites to see one is millionhitcounters.com and if that doesn't work try statcounter.com

Princemooch ;-)

Prince JJB said...

Hi do you want to be an author of The Penguin Times!! if you do you will be an administrator for a month and the only rule is not to change the theme, you can post when ever you like email me on info@thepenguintimes.tk