("Thank you for visiting... Vap's Blog of CP! Enjoy yourself"); ~Vapnoar777~'s Blog of CP: September 2008

Sonic gif.

Regularly Updated Welcome Pad


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Club Penguin Plush Toy Mania!

Lol. The post title makes me laugh. Anyway, as most loyal CPG and Club Penguin Crazy followers know, there has recently been a lot of hype about a secret project CP was unveiling. Go HERE to check it out! After a day or two, we figured out that everything was about these brand new plush toys CP will be selling at Toys R Us, Disney Stores, and the Club Penguin Shop. Yo, that's pretty awesome! Starting October 3rd, you will be able to enter a LIMITED EDITION VIKING PENGUIN GIVE-A-WAY!!!
Woot! This just keeps getting better and better, huh? But wait, there's one more thing. To show that you're a fan, you can get Club Penguin Sneak Posters free for download by clicking on the link above! This is almost, ALMOST as cool a Ninjas.
I will keep you posted for more updates. :-)
Best Regards,

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fa-Fa-Fall Fair Cheat!

This party has taken Club Penguin by STORM. Go see for yourself.
Here is an awesome hack/cheat, all credit to Tooly228, owner of cpcheatscp.com
Follow these instructions:
1. Go to the Dock and play Grab & Spin.
2. Spin the wheel and wait until it lands on a number (extra spin doesn't count).
3. Press Tab until is over 'End Game'. Then press Enter for 10-15 seconds. Tah Dah! You're rich.

Best Regards,

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mission 9 Sneak Peek!

Finally, a peek I'm pumped about. After what felt like months of waiting, CP Mod Billybob posted the first news of the next (and final?!) mission. Will Herbert and dastardly (OK, not really) Klutzy the Crab be caught? I think so. Check out this coolio concept art from the post:

Well, this picture seems to depict, err... a noddy bubble-blowing pink puffle and two sticky penguins? Now, if we could just figure out the bowling pins...

Go see the post for yourself in the Community section of the Club Penguin website.
Best Regards,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sorry, it's Been a While...

I know, I know, I haven't updated on the new Better Igloos catalog, the Ruby and The Ruby postcard, any recent sneak peeks, or the newest Club Penguin Times. My lame excuse is that I've been REALLY REALLY busy, which is actually very true. I promise I won't miss the next cool thing happening in CP, least of all the Fall Fair. I hope you'll accept my apology, knowing that I've been working on a cool new thing or two.
So sorry,

Monday, September 15, 2008

Upcoming CP Events Reviewed by Vapnoar

There is a new post on the Club Penguin blog that talks about a few of the cool new things happening in CP. Here they are, in order of awesomeness!
Note: 1 star is lowest Vap Rating, 5 star is highest Vap Rating.

The Fall Fair Party '08, Vap Rating is 3 1/2 stars. Apparently, last year's Fall Fair was one of the best parties to ever rock Club Penguin. I'm still pretty skeptical about this, because the Music Festival, Penguin Games, and other recent parties have been some of the best I've seen since I joined 281 days ago (yes, that's how old I am).

A Rockhopper visit, Vap Rating is 2 stars. While Rh's trips to the shores of our fantastical island paradise are certainly very fun, they happen so frequently that they aren't worth getting too hyped-up about.

The Halloween Party '08, Vap Rating is 4 stars. The rating is so high for this party mostly because I'm very excited personally to see what a creep-fest is like in such a peaceful place. (That and I can't wait to buy a ghost suit.)

3rd Anniversary Party, Vap Rating is 3 3/4 stars. How can you NOT be excited about CP turning 3?! And then there's always that super-rare, limited edition, free party hat that comes out...

New Yearbook, Vap Rating is 2 1/2 . Normally, this wouldn't be too exiting for me, but... Well, this is the first full year I've experienced in Club Penguin, and it isn't over yet! So all in all, it's kinda special to me right in my little pengy heart.

New Mission (Mission 9), Vap Rating is... 5 stars! In my opinion, Secret Agents are basically the coolest thing in CP, and where would they be without their Top-Secret Missions? And you have to consider the recent quality jump in the writing too.

Wow, I guess that wraps up my long, droning post. Lol! See ya later dudes,

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Now presenting: Ruby and The Ruby: A Vapnoar777 Production

The post as follows: Now, for first time ever, the penguins Vapnoar777, Kcaj497, Kookle910, and Ekul599 have teamed up to make the ultimate video of a Club Penguin play, Ruby and The Ruby! Be sure to tell me what you think of it! Watch and enjoy:

I know it's not the best, but this was my first actual video. I play Tenor.
Best Regards,

Friday, September 12, 2008

New Pin and Costume Trunk cheats

The post as follows:
The new pin, a Magnifying Glass, is at the Dock.

Here the two Costume Trunk cheats:

Go the 6th page in the catalog and click on the door handle to get the Dark Detective's Coat. Go to the back cover drag down the 'How do I get coins?' message down to get the Noir Background. That's all.
Best Regards,

New Play at The Stage: Ruby and The Ruby

The post as follows:
A new detective "film noir" play has arrived: Ruby and The Ruby! Go and see/act it out now!
Club Penguin has truly outdone themselves. Never has a play been so anticipated, so talked about, or so AWESOME. The main character is a P.I. named Jacques Hammer, and the supporting characters are: Ms. Ruby (Great costume for girls), Tenor (He has has a nice outfit too), and the Doorman, or Dom. There's a secret Pin in this stage...

Now, this isn't necessarily the order in which you have to click the items, but it works.
1. Click the door with the eye on it.
2. Click the filing cabinet in Jacques' office.
3. Click the big book on the table with the lamp at the bottom of the room, towards the right.
4. Click the bin (trash can) referred to in the script.
5. Click the vase up in the top right-hand corner.
6. Click the portrait that reveals itself to contain the safe, and in the safe, the Ruby Pin.
Will post other new pin and Costume Trunk cheats soon. Bye!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Club Penguin Times Issue #152

The post as follows:
Wow, this weeks CP Times was a bombshell. If I were you I'd log on this second and read it, but if you're that lazy, you can view the interesting parts here.
First item of interest:

(Caption: Click each of these objects circled in red and... Well, you'll have to see for yourself!)
Second item of interest:
AUTUMN PREVIEW (This sounds dangerously close to a sneak peek)

(Caption: 3 new parties coming your way: The CP 3 year anniversary party (This means a new party hat!), Fall Fair '08, and last, but not least: HALLOWEEN '08 (I can FINALLY get my ghost suit).)
That's all I'm covering, considering the newspaper is not very hard to find. ;-)
Best Regards,

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The post as follows:
This is yet ANOTHER Club Penguin Blog sneak peek, and if I have to post any more of these, I may cry.

It's for the soon-to-be-here Fall Fair '08! I missed the very first one, and way too many of you have informed me of how awesome it was, time an time again. Therefore, I now have high expectations of the party, and am eagerly awaiting its coolness.
Best Regards,

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Spoil Pink TV: Vap's Party + Sneak Peek

The post as follows:
Let's get the peek out of the way first.

Well there, d'ya see? An old newspaper. Great. I guess this has something to do with the forthcoming new play at The Stage. And now for the exciting news!
Spoil Pink has recorded most of our rockin' party and posted it on her blog! 'Round of applause for Spoil! Check it OUT:

WOOT! Visit her blog:
Thnx Spoil, and see ya later pengs!
Best Regards,

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Vap's First Ever PARTAY!!!! in review:

The post as follows:
Well, let me start off by saying, this party was way cooler than I had ever hoped for! A HUMONGOUS thanks to Lady Maryann and Pie for advertising my party and/or blog, so all of you awesome penguins could come. I had a few laughs with some old friends, and a couple of chats with some new ones. This was truly a memorable day for me in the History of CP. A few cool penguins at my party:

Alto Bhai, a neat friend. He was partying with us the whole way through.

Spoil Pink, who also followed us while we hopped from room to room. If I'm not mistaken, she recorded the party and might put it on Spoil Pink TV! I'll be checking her YT channel, will you? www.youtube.com/user/wdgcvn65

H2omantine, who was very funny, and brought some life to the party.

Lady Maryann, she stayed up 'til midnight to come to my party! (Sorry about that.)

Pieman501, a longtime buddy who rocked the house!

And last, but not least, NepoleonIII came at the end, and while he was there, I had a great time.

Two new buddies, Dj Rokstar and Laurendepp, also rocked!

I know I can't possibly mention every kind who came/joined, but I hope this will suffice: THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! So where are the party pics, you ask? Right here!

Do you see yourself?! The party moved from the Dojo, to the Ski Mountain (Where I enjoyed some cool sled races), to my igloo, to the Ski Lodge, to the Iceberg, to The Stage (we painted the walls, and ourselves, hehe), to the Forest, and finally to the Cove. Some of you wouldn't let me leave! I had a great time. I think we covered almost all of Club Penguin. Some things to look forward to at my next party: Even more room hopping and game playing, featured penguins afterward, adding buddies, and maybe, just maybe, a membership! So keep your eyes peeled, and Waddle on!
P.S. The header, banner, and other updates are coming later because my party lasted over an hour, which made me tired, and this post was very long.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Penguin Style Sept'08 and Big Wigs Vap Cheets!

The post as follows:
As promised, here are the awesome, if a bit late, Vap Cheets! (Btw, I do know how to spell "cheats", this is just my way of doing it.)
One big picture covers it all:

(You will have to enlarge to read)
Hope to rock with you at my party!
Best Regards,

New Postcard + Stage under CONSTRUCTION and other news...

The post as follows:
I just got home from school, and apologize for the late post, Penguin Style/Wig catalog cheats coming soon. A new postcard came out, and it has to do with the new Soccer Pitch... Does that mean it's staying longer than we thought?! Only time will tell. There have been some, err... rather interesting rumors surrounding the next play at The Stage. The newspaper said that something top secret was going on, and Rory couldn't tell us much. Now Team Blue Rally 2 has disappeared and been replaced with CONSTRUCTION and penguins are encouraged to jack-hammer away at the ground (I don't see how this helps).
Here is picture of the new postcard:

(Caption: Actually, I don't want to play soccer with you, sorry.)
Here is a picture of The Stage in its present state:

(Caption: That's rather messy, I hope they get it done in time!)
I plan on becoming a member tonight so I can work on the header for tomorrow (and to spend my ill-gotten (hehe) coins on the new items) and am excited to see if anybody turns up to Vap's First Ever PARTAY!!!! at 9:00 PST sharp.
I bid you farewell,

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Nonesense and such.

The post as follows:
Well.... Time for our annual Billybob sneak peek. Frankly, I'm getting a bit tired of these. They reveal the sneak peeks about what, a day or two before the cat actually comes out? Anyway look at this:

Looks like some cool stuff though. (Possibly the paint stains are alluding to a new color?!) Have your best guess at what they are in the comments section. If someone gets a couple right, let's say I'll advertise their site for a few days..... Also, I'd like to post a quick party reminder. Since Lady M and maybe Pieman are advertising, most of you will hear it from them. Again the invite:

And again the written form:
Vap's First Ever PARTAY!!!! Invite
When: Sat., Sept. 6th, 9:00 A.M. PST
Where: Fjord, starting in the Dojo
Why: 700+ Hits!!!!
How: IDK!
Notes: Tell me if you can't come, I might reschedule!
So........ I guess I'm finished. (Sorry for the lack of enthusiasm, but after a five-day weekend from school, and to suddenly be disheveled by homework and other responsibilities...... Well, ya know what I mean.)
Oh, wait, one last thing. I'm planning a new header, logo, and a few other changes for VBCP, to be released after my party, if all goes well. A few changes are already up. You might have too look closely to notice anything. Cheers!
Best Regards,

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wha?? Standing on the Night Club?!

The post as follows:
Wow, I never thought this would work. There is a glitch that allows you to STAND ON THE NIGHT CLUB! Look at this picture of me doing it with a spare penguin:

Happy- Dappy Woo Woo! Check out Watex's site for the glitch: http://watex.wordpress.com
Waddle on!
P.S. You must have Internet Explorer 7 or 8 (There's an 8?) to do this glitch/cheat.