("Thank you for visiting... Vap's Blog of CP! Enjoy yourself"); ~Vapnoar777~'s Blog of CP: August 2008

Sonic gif.

Regularly Updated Welcome Pad


Friday, August 29, 2008

Changing the occasion............ :D

The post as follows:
Look what I discovered!!! 800 hits!!! How can that be? There's only one explanation..... Pieman501! Thank you for advertising my site on http://pieman501.wordpress.com! You have given me a whopping 100 extra hits, thus changing the occasion of my party to an........... 800+ hit party! WOOT!

(You may notice the words happy- dappy woo woo on the picture, I came up with that phrase just for this post!)
Thank you again Pie, you are a great friend.
Best Regards,
P.S. I'm not changing the invite 'cause it would be a waste of time, and it would probably mess it up.
Update: Are you serious?! I think we might be getting 900 hits before my party on the 6th! Wow! Thnx readers.

Taffy Happy 150! + New Pin Alert Cancelled

The post as follows:
Yesterday the 150th Club Penguin Times came out. Hippo-palooza! Yahoo! Well actually, it was kind of pathetic.......

Which is why I made this picture. C'mon CP, couldn't you have done something just a little bit cooler? Oh, well. Nothing to get too mad about.
At least the new pin ROX.

Grab the 150th Newspaper pin now, only two short rooms away from the Town! Go inside the Night Club and 'climb' down the hidden ladder in the right speaker to get the pin, located in the Boiler Room.
I am cancelling the 'New Pin Alert' feature on this site for now, simply because I'm beginning work on a widget (which will have the pin), and will be attempting to enlist Tooly228's help on the html code. I will still make posts about the pin.
Best Regards,
P.S. Anybody planning on coming to my party?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Vap's First Ever PARTAY!!!! Invite

The post as follows: Hello all, now that I'm starting to gather some viewers (who never comment, lol) I've decided to experiment with my first ever PARTAY!!!! (Must be in all caps and have an extra "A", plus 4 exclamation points) Ahem, please view the invitation :D :

Written form:
Vap's First Ever PARTAY!!!! Invite
When: Sat., Sept. 6th, 9:00 A.M. PST
Where: Fjord, starting in the Dojo
Why: 700+ Hits!!!!
How: IDK!
Notes: Tell me if you can't come, I might reschedule!
Pieman501 has graciously offered to advertise my party/site on his blog. Go Pie!
Anyway, I probably won't be adding (I have over 90 buddies! Aaaah!) and please email me (smashfan777@q.com) or comment if you can't make it........ That's all!
Best Regards,

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pengy Games Are Here!!!!!!!!

The post as follows: Yes, I have two coins. But that isn't what this post is about is it?! No, for the Penguin Games have started, and I for one think they ROCK!!!! Woohoo! There are three events:
The Marathon: A hard, treacherous run all around Club Penguin.
Three-lap Race: A short, fun run at the 'Berg.
Freestyle Swim: Six-lap waddle through the Pool.
Check 'em all out!

(Caption: The Gold Medal is your reward for completing the games. When you play them, make sure to stop at ALL the lights. Click the medal in the top-right corner to check your progress.)
P.S. GO BLUE!!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

NEW PIN ALERT!!!: Dodgeball Pin

The post as follows:
Here is your regularly scheduled NEW PIN ALERT:

You now have the Dogeball Pin!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Vap Waddles onto Youtube!

The post as follows:
Yes, it's true. I am on Youtube! Check out my first vid, an advertisment for the blog:

Do you like it? Sweet. I'll make more.
My Youtube channel url: http://www.youtube.com/user/Vapnoar777
The vid's url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMmpQxP9fX8
Best Regards,

Friday, August 8, 2008

Paper Boat Scav-hunt & B-ground+ Plus Return of RH and Team Blue Rally 2!

The post as follows:
Last night I logged on to find the Migrator, Rockhopper's recently re-built ship, on the shores of CP, the sequel to an old play at the stage, and a cool new scavenger hunt for paper boats. I'll let you find the boats yourselves, its not that hard, but I'll give you a picture for piecing together the plans of the Migrator.

You are awarded an awesome background, one to rival the coolness of the Penguin Band Autograph.

The new Stage, called Team Blue Rally 2:

And finally, Rh's furniture catalog, with one secret item.

Best Regards,

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Aqua Grabber Update, WOOT!

Go and try the new level on Aqua Grabber, if you haven't already. It's called Soda Seas. It appears as if Rockhopper dumped all his cream soda in the ocean surrounding Club Penguin. Next time you see him, tell RH that pollution is bad! Lol. There is also a new map at the beggining and an update to the first level, now known as Clam Waters. See my picture:
Ok, you go and grab the "Pearl Shaped Rock", lol, conviently located over all the way on the right side of the Big Clam. Then drop it into his tounge-like appendage and make your daring escape with the real valuble pearl in tow. Sweet. By the way, my pink puffle really came in handy when I played. Just some advice.
Best Regards,

The Pengy Games and Scavenger Hunt!!

This is Vapnoar777 here, and I am SO excited about the events starting tomorrow and August 22nd! Check out this advertisment:

and the Upcoming Events.....

Plus check out the Scav-hunt article, starts tomorrow:

Talk about awesome!!!!!!!
See ya soon,

Friday, August 1, 2008

NEW PIN ALERT!! (Vinyl Record Pin)

The post as follows: Hello viewers! I have just started a new feature in my posts called: New Pin Alert!! Every time a new pin comes out, my picture will look something like this:

(Caption: Look in the Nightclub for the New Vinyl Record Pin.)

You like it? I do. So from now on I'm sticking with it. Kapeesh?! Anyway, I'll post the August Cat cheats later, when I'm awake.
Update: Yeah, I didn't post them. I'm just too busy right now, sorry. Click on the Glacier Suit guy's stomach for the Jade Necklace, and the rocker girl's foot (the one in the air) for the Mixed Bracelets. For more, plz visit sites on my blogroll.
Waddler Forever,