("Thank you for visiting... Vap's Blog of CP! Enjoy yourself"); ~Vapnoar777~'s Blog of CP: All Hail The Return Of: 'Squidzoid'!

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Regularly Updated Welcome Pad


Friday, July 11, 2008

All Hail The Return Of: 'Squidzoid'!

The post as follows: It hasn't been that long since "Squidzoid" was first released (That may have been my second play), but popular demand has brought it back. Check out the costume trunk and buy the suits (If you haven't already) and then the new background. Not much has changed, but "Squidzoid" still remains one of my favorite plays to date.
Best Regards,
~Vapnoar777~ CP Blogger

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I finished your banner! You can check it out here:


Just copy and paste the code below ur banner anyway into your site!

Waddle on!