("Thank you for visiting... Vap's Blog of CP! Enjoy yourself"); ~Vapnoar777~'s Blog of CP: Vap's First Ever PARTAY!!!! Invite

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Vap's First Ever PARTAY!!!! Invite

The post as follows: Hello all, now that I'm starting to gather some viewers (who never comment, lol) I've decided to experiment with my first ever PARTAY!!!! (Must be in all caps and have an extra "A", plus 4 exclamation points) Ahem, please view the invitation :D :

Written form:
Vap's First Ever PARTAY!!!! Invite
When: Sat., Sept. 6th, 9:00 A.M. PST
Where: Fjord, starting in the Dojo
Why: 700+ Hits!!!!
How: IDK!
Notes: Tell me if you can't come, I might reschedule!
Pieman501 has graciously offered to advertise my party/site on his blog. Go Pie!
Anyway, I probably won't be adding (I have over 90 buddies! Aaaah!) and please email me (smashfan777@q.com) or comment if you can't make it........ That's all!
Best Regards,


~Vapnoar777~ said...

Or you could just comment anyway......... :D

Kookle1 said...

lol vap!!

Lady Maryann of CPCrazy said...

yay! i will come of course even though thats 12midnight here. i will just have a sleeping stategy: be home from school by 4pm, do homework til dinner time at 7pm, play puffle round up for 15 minutes, sleep 'til 1145pm!

how does that sound? lol! ;-)

would you like me to put up a countdown on my blog starting sept 4? ;-)

see yah! ;-)

AltoBhai said...

I'll make it easily It'll be 9pm in Pakistan time. No problem.