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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Aqua Grabber Update, WOOT!

Go and try the new level on Aqua Grabber, if you haven't already. It's called Soda Seas. It appears as if Rockhopper dumped all his cream soda in the ocean surrounding Club Penguin. Next time you see him, tell RH that pollution is bad! Lol. There is also a new map at the beggining and an update to the first level, now known as Clam Waters. See my picture:
Ok, you go and grab the "Pearl Shaped Rock", lol, conviently located over all the way on the right side of the Big Clam. Then drop it into his tounge-like appendage and make your daring escape with the real valuble pearl in tow. Sweet. By the way, my pink puffle really came in handy when I played. Just some advice.
Best Regards,

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