Igloo background is sweet, a nice change of scenery.

Best for last! A great new way to send mail. Go Penguin Mail!

Wow, a WHOLE LOT has happened in CP since I've been gone. Look at the pics above, and check out three of Club Penguin's new features released this week. I hope you like 'em, considering I think they are about the awesomest thing to happen in CP since I've been around. Check out the free blue baggy. Send me a postcard if you see me walking, or should I say waddling, on Club Penguin. Btw, my fav. servers are Fjord (my cool buds go on it), Arctic (For some reason my home server), and that's it for now. Comment Mod is staying off until further notice. Thnx for reading another post by yours truly,
Vapnoar777 CP Blogger
Vapnoar777 thnx for that comment ur the best!!! Also My home server is Mammoth, My Fave site is Fjord too it is awesome
Keep on Waddlin' ~Momo :P
Hey Vap!
Thanks for testing the message thing! I never knew that thing was still required! But, I fixed it now!
- Lion :D
I know, I'm horribly bad at placing pictures. Oh well!
What's HSM?
Yes I do watch HSM
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