("Thank you for visiting... Vap's Blog of CP! Enjoy yourself"); ~Vapnoar777~'s Blog of CP: Me Have Blidget!!!

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Regularly Updated Welcome Pad


Friday, July 11, 2008

Me Have Blidget!!!

Hi, all. As you hopefully noticed, there is an odd gadget on the sidebar displaying my posts. This is called a blidget (they display current posts from your blog). They are very simple to make, just go to www.widgetbox.com and click 'make a blidget' at the bottom. Enter you site name, then toggle with a few settings, sign/log in (If you have an account already), and you are good to go. Please, if you like this site, add it to your blog's sidebar (You don't have to, it just makes me feel better). Thnx again!
Best Regards,
~Vapnoar777~ CP Blogger

1 comment:

john said...

Cool!!! I'll add it to my blog!