("Thank you for visiting... Vap's Blog of CP! Enjoy yourself"); ~Vapnoar777~'s Blog of CP: July 2008

Sonic gif.

Regularly Updated Welcome Pad


Monday, July 28, 2008

Step right up, and meet the Penguin Band!

Awesomeness!!! I was puzzled when I went to the Iceberg to see a sign that said that "the Penguin Band is on break", and investigated. I now know that it is possible to actually meet the P-Band as real penguins (like RH). And also like RH, they each give out the same cool, free background if you try to buddy them. Here it is (along w/ the band):
(Caption: They only hang out Backstage and may strike up a conversation! (They talked to me))

Look for them while you can members, and hurry. (My latest sightings were at the servers Avalanche and Fjord.) Good luck Pengy Band Hunting!
Waddler Forever,

Friday, July 25, 2008

Backstage Music Cat Cheat (and free/not-free items)! + Farewell to CPIP!

WOOT! WOOT! The best party (can you even call it that?) ever, The Music Festival, has arrived! I even became a member just for the occasion. Which is a good thing, because if I wasn't I wouldn't be able to get this pic of the Music Catalog Backstage. The room rox.

(Caption: Click on the 'i' in Music to reveal the hidden electric guitar, 975 c.)

Moving on to the free/not free items.... Go to the Plaza, Cove and Snow Forts for the Free T-shirt, Maracas, and member's only Backstage Pass and Shirts. Enjoy.

And now most importantly, BYE BYE CLUB PENGUIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, WE WILL WADDLE ON!!!!!!!!!!! The CPIP has really shown us what it means to "revamp" Club Penguin. I've loved it ever since the day I first waddled as a test penguin. We all did.

Now, have a good day and waddle!
P.S. Like my sig?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mix Master Update!

Check it out! The Mix Master (Suspected title) is almost ready for release! Tomorrow, w/ the music festival and such, the game can be found in the Night Club. CP's first ever music game should be awesome.
By the way, get up early (or stay up late) if you want to get a backstage pass that come with a special suprise! Sweet!
Signing off,

Friday, July 18, 2008

Woot! CP renovation!

W/ new server selection you can now find your buddies easily.
Igloo background is sweet, a nice change of scenery.

Best for last! A great new way to send mail. Go Penguin Mail!
Wow, a WHOLE LOT has happened in CP since I've been gone. Look at the pics above, and check out three of Club Penguin's new features released this week. I hope you like 'em, considering I think they are about the awesomest thing to happen in CP since I've been around. Check out the free blue baggy. Send me a postcard if you see me walking, or should I say waddling, on Club Penguin. Btw, my fav. servers are Fjord (my cool buds go on it), Arctic (For some reason my home server), and that's it for now. Comment Mod is staying off until further notice. Thnx for reading another post by yours truly,
Vapnoar777 CP Blogger

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Hi guys! Sorry I didn't post this sooner! I'm leaving for camp in less than an hour! Hope you all enjoy the new features next week (if they come out, lol, kidding), and I will be turning comment moderation OFF for this time so you guys can still talk about stuff. I promise all missed cheats I'm while gone will be posted as soon as I get back. Please refer to Clubpenguingang, Lion Tamer 1, Club Penguin Crazy, and everything else on my blogroll for up-to-date info. Seee you guys on Friday, BYE!
Best Regards,

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Upcoming DJ game?!

The post as follows: Billybob recently gave a sneak peek for an upcoming game, and it's for penguins who are into music. Hmm... Sounds interesting dog. DJ, DJ!!! Pump up the party y'all! Okay, I'm done now. Bye!
Best Regards,
~Vapnoar777~ CP Blogger

Friday, July 11, 2008

Me Have Blidget!!!

Hi, all. As you hopefully noticed, there is an odd gadget on the sidebar displaying my posts. This is called a blidget (they display current posts from your blog). They are very simple to make, just go to www.widgetbox.com and click 'make a blidget' at the bottom. Enter you site name, then toggle with a few settings, sign/log in (If you have an account already), and you are good to go. Please, if you like this site, add it to your blog's sidebar (You don't have to, it just makes me feel better). Thnx again!
Best Regards,
~Vapnoar777~ CP Blogger

All Hail The Return Of: 'Squidzoid'!

The post as follows: It hasn't been that long since "Squidzoid" was first released (That may have been my second play), but popular demand has brought it back. Check out the costume trunk and buy the suits (If you haven't already) and then the new background. Not much has changed, but "Squidzoid" still remains one of my favorite plays to date.
Best Regards,
~Vapnoar777~ CP Blogger

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Features still not here + New CP Times!

The post as follows: Hmm... There must be a few "bugs" left in the new features, as they are STILL not out yet. However, on the bright side, a new, "rockin" edition of the Club Penguin Times was released. Hooray for the upcoming music festival! If you're a member, gear up! The Penguin Band will also make an appearance. I have taken a pic of the Upcoming Events, so there is no need to explain them. I think I've covered it all.
MAJOR UPDATE: They put off the launch of the new features 'til early next week! Read the CP Blog for details. And I'll be away at camp. Awww, man.
Best Regards,
~Vapnoar777~ CP Blogger

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Features!!!

The following are FINALLY coming out: Penguin Mail, Player Card update (items will be easier to find), New Igloo background, and New Login (all part of the Club Penguin Improvement Project)! Yay! This could really help CP with their "new" look. Check 'em out tomorrow!
Best Regards,
~Vapnoar777~ CP Blogger
Update: Should be here soon. Around 12:00 I think.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Penguin Mail on its way! Let me hear a WOOT!

The post as follows:

After what, years of waiting, CP is finally on the verge of finishing PM! Most likely one of the best new features since CPIP started. If you would like to view the whole blog post, go here: www.clubpenguin.com/cpip Otherwise, I will paste the the contents here:

Penguin Mail design update
By BillyBob on July 3, 2008 11:32 PM | Permalink | Comments (28)
Hello Penguins!

Penguin Mail is ALMOST ready to launch, but before it does, we wanted to get your feedback on it. Below is a image of what it will look like. After our first post about Penguin Mail a few weeks ago we got a bunch of creative comments about designs and ways to make postcards even cooler than they are now. Many of you like the logo we posted on that blog, but asked to see more of the actual design.

Here's one view of the new Penguin Mail:

You'll definitely get the full picture when the feature launches this month--even as early as next week.This 'mailbox' will allow you to send mail to your buddies even when they're not online, save postcards, ignore postcards and delete them too. The coolest part to me is that whenever I'm in Club Penguin and receive a postcard, Penguin Mail will let me know! That way I won't miss any cool cards from other penguins!

No matter where you are in Club Penguin, you'll always be able to check your mail by clicking on the grey envelope at the top left of your screen.

As always, let us know what you think and definitely what you would like to see added in the future!

Until then...waddle on!

-The Club Penguin Team
That's about it. More posts to come. Plus check out the new sidebar feature, courtesy of Fancygen.com
Best Regards,
~Vapnoar777~ CP blogger

Friday, July 4, 2008

New Pin! Plus 4th of July!

The post as follows:
Guess what new pin came out late last night?! The Firework Pin! It is located at the Cove, on the umbrella, as you should be able to see in my picture. But the other reason for this post is: It's the 4th of July! The day this nation declared independence! Yay! Woot woot! Hope you see some cool, non-virtual fireworks today, huh! Expect more posts to come! (Maybe some catalog cheats today?)
Best Regards,
~Vapnoar777~ CP blogger

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Newspaper Crossword Cheat!

The post as follows:
Hope you like the new CP Times! It's getting better, don't you think? Anyway, I thought I would show you the answers for the new crossword, it's Squidzoid themed. Thnx for reading and check the newspaper out for yourself!!
Best Regards,
~Vapnoar777~ CP blogger

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hey all! First post! CP Fireworks for Canada!

Click image to enlarge (duh!):
Hey everyone! I know I'm posting this a bit late (a day!), but here is a pic of me standing at the Iceberg (they're also on the Ski Mountain), dancing to the coolio fireworks in honor of Canada! (Not to mention the Fourth of July!!) I'm not Canadian myself, but it's a cool country, plus the CP moderators live there (I think). So thank you for checking out my second try at CP blogging. (You can see my old blog still, but it's pretty stupid and I'm gonna delete it soon.) Expect more posts soon!
Best Regards,
~Vapnoar777~ CP blogger