Note: 1 star is lowest Vap Rating, 5 star is highest Vap Rating.
The Fall Fair Party '08, Vap Rating is 3 1/2 stars. Apparently, last year's Fall Fair was one of the best parties to ever rock Club Penguin. I'm still pretty skeptical about this, because the Music Festival, Penguin Games, and other recent parties have been some of the best I've seen since I joined 281 days ago (yes, that's how old I am).
A Rockhopper visit, Vap Rating is 2 stars. While Rh's trips to the shores of our fantastical island paradise are certainly very fun, they happen so frequently that they aren't worth getting too hyped-up about.
The Halloween Party '08, Vap Rating is 4 stars. The rating is so high for this party mostly because I'm very excited personally to see what a creep-fest is like in such a peaceful place. (That and I can't wait to buy a ghost suit.)
3rd Anniversary Party, Vap Rating is 3 3/4 stars. How can you NOT be excited about CP turning 3?! And then there's always that super-rare, limited edition, free party hat that comes out...
New Yearbook, Vap Rating is 2 1/2 . Normally, this wouldn't be too exiting for me, but... Well, this is the first full year I've experienced in Club Penguin, and it isn't over yet! So all in all, it's kinda special to me right in my little pengy heart.
New Mission (Mission 9), Vap Rating is... 5 stars! In my opinion, Secret Agents are basically the coolest thing in CP, and where would they be without their Top-Secret Missions? And you have to consider the recent quality jump in the writing too.
Wow, I guess that wraps up my long, droning post. Lol! See ya later dudes,

Thanks for telling me the name dude
sure u can join dude but I'm about to go to school. When I get home I'll send u an invite.
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