("Thank you for visiting... Vap's Blog of CP! Enjoy yourself"); ~Vapnoar777~'s Blog of CP: November 2008

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Regularly Updated Welcome Pad


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Last Post + New Beginning

Goodbye is a simple word, but it can be a pretty powerful one also.
It pains me to say it, after all of the effort I've put into Vap's Blog of CP,
and the loyal friends and fans who made each post worth it.
But alas, I have to... here it is:
Why, you ask? I'm sure every blog out there,
from the 'Tip of the Iceberg' blogs,
to the 'Slushy' sites,
has its ups and downs.
And sometimes the owners just quit because the pressure to get the
updates out at 10:00 P.M., fight against other blogs for supremacy,
and all the other stresses of a managing a blogsite...
are just too much.
I am not quitting because of that.
The reason is harder to explain...
But I'll try.
Lately, a lot of blog owners have either been quitting,
or saying they're going to.
A wave of depression has come over me,
taunting me to get out of the way
of, other, more successful CP sites.
Namely Mimo.
He's not the only one.

"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool." - William Shakespeare

I often feel foolish, thinking someday I'll best a famous penguin or another.
I know it's impossible.
So, that is why,
after (about) 5 months,
I'm leaving another blog behind.
Wait! Don't leave yet.
3 things to know before you go (I rhymed! :D):
Firstly, I will be having a final going away party, and need some blogs to advertise.
(Yes, I'm looking at you, person with the famous blog.)
Secondly, I am considering giving away VBCP for membership, a coin code, and the like.
And thirdly, I'll soon start a new blog on Wordpress, here's hoping the third time will be the charm. (Check back later for the link.)

I'll see you around, penguins!

Friday, November 21, 2008


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yes, I'm Still Alive... + Leave of Absence

Sorry to anyone who thought I had quit blogging or anything like that. But, actually I'm about to take a leave of absence, if I don't quit (Blogger) altogether. What this means is that I probably won't post at all until the Ninjas finally arrive. And also, since my hits weren't going up at all even before I stopped posting, I'm starting to wonder if all this is really worth it. Please don't think of me like some guy who thinks he's gotten to old for CP, 'cause I'll NEVER quit CP. So if anyone actually used to use Vap's Blog of CP as a cheat source, I'm sorry; please refer to the sites on my blogroll, b/c those are great blogs. One thing to lighten the mood: There's a cool gamesite out called BonteGames.com and I'm serious, it really is great. I was referred to a game on there by Kcaj497 and give him credit for telling me about the game. So... ttyl penguins!