("Thank you for visiting... Vap's Blog of CP! Enjoy yourself"); ~Vapnoar777~'s Blog of CP: October 2008

Sonic gif.

Regularly Updated Welcome Pad


Friday, October 31, 2008

Come to Kcaj497's party!

Hi all. My friend Kcaj is hosting his first ever Club Penguin party tomorrow. Check it out!
Written form here:
Party Time!!!
November 1st 10:00 (A.M.) PST
Hope you can make it!
Note: Party will be in the server Fjord and will start in the Dojo. For more info visit Kcaj497's CP Club.
I'll be there too! If you want to play Hide and Seek, have a snowball fight, get featured, and get added by Kcaj (and me!) don't miss out on this party! (A minimum of two penguins will be featured, and only the second, third, and fifth penguins to ask Kcaj will be added.)
Best Regards,

Friday, October 24, 2008

CP TURNS 3: New Free Items, Pin, and more!

Wow, this is officially the coolest looking party to hit CP! Although it only has two free items (both located in the Coffe Shop, click on the fan to reveal the new Party Hat, and the Ice Cream Apron is lying on the floor in the bottom right corner of the room), and one of them is a repeat, with these awesome tunes, you can't help but get in on the fun! Now I know you're anxious for party pics, so here they are:

The Town Square (Looks a bit like Times Square, dontcha' think?)

The Nightclub, it has a sweet new dance floor

The Coffe Shop, complete with awesome cake
Go to the Book Room if you want to pour over our new Yearbook. A 3rd Anniversary Cake Pin can be found in the Dance Lounge. This completes my CP TURNS 3 coverage.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh yeah... Check out Ninjas of CP!!!

I almost forgot, Kcaj497 (my good pengy friend), Lady Maryann, and I have started a totally coolio blog about the myths and secrets surrounding the Club Penguin Ninjas! We already have a few posts up, so click HERE to experience the coolness. LM might be working on a better design for the blog soon (I have to contact her). Three more quick things:
1. I've been so ridiculously busy that I haven't really had time to keep up with CP updates; I promise that will change soon.
2. Contests are on the way (not for membership)!
3. Vap's next party is being planned...
Farewell, penguineers!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Announcing The Nintendo Review Club!

I'm making a new blog all about Nintendo games! That's right, your favorite Wii and DS will be reviewed on my new site! I'll tell you when it's ready, k?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Herbert's Got Moves! Vid.

Check IT out! I took my pic and made it into a 10 second video...

P.S. New Pin and Stage coming later.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New Mission!

Here is my review for CP's newest case, Mission 9: Spy & Seek: The long awaited, supposedly final, Club Penguin Mission is finally out! The question: Does it live up do the hype?! Yes and no. Mission 9 is certainly very fun, and you'll get a kick out of the scene with Herbert at the end, but my main argument against it is that it's simply too short, and not very fulfilling. You'll breeze through it in just a few minutes (10 min. tops), and the biggest problem is that YOU DON'T CATCH HERBERT!!! Though it opens the door for one last adventure, you don't feel that sense of accomplishment you usually get from the other missions. Plus, if you factor in all the coolio peeks in the newspaper, I think we were all expecting something a little bit more. All the same, it's a fun ride that most will play over again just for the last few scenes. I'll try to have a guide up by Thursday. If I ever start a funny pics section, this will be the first to go in it. Lol!
(Plz, click, plz enlarge, plz laugh, and plz save.)
Best Regards,
Secret Agent ~Vapnoar777~

Friday, October 3, 2008

Oct. '08 Penguin Style Vap Cheets

Time for our annual Vap Cheets. First off, I have to say, this catalog is the BEST one I've ever seen. With the return of the ghost suit, black superhero mask, and gold viking helm, how could you not be excited. This isn't a very good pic 'cause I wanted to post this quickly, but it should tell you everything you need to know.

(The first part is for the Gold Viking Helm, second is for Black Superhero Mask. Click to enlarge.)
The Black Scuba Mask is on the Lighthouse in the 4th Back-to-school page. The Mixed Bracelets are on the shoe page, click on the pink flipper. Click the top Spikester cuff for the Jade Necklace.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall Fair Updates:

Two new things happening at the Fall Fair: First, the mini-game Grab & Spin is down. :-(
It looks like CP figured out about our little glitch. Heh heh, okay, it was a hack. Apparently they don't know how to fix it though... Secondly, the Prize Booth in the Forest has been updated with new (what else?) Prizes!
Paddle Ball: 1,500 Tickets
Cotton Candy: 600 Tickets
Carousel Player Card BG: 400 Tickets
Waddling on,